P. Gherri: Canonistica e Teologia: problemi circa il riferimento metodologico a von Balthasar (Article)

In recent years there have been a number of unexpected references to the writings of the theologian Hans Urs von Balthasar by canonists who belive that it is possible to extract methodological elements from his philosophical-theological reflections. G. analyses two fairly recent works in order to highlight the dangers that may ensue from a failure to exercise due caution in making methodological reference to disciplines whose connections with canon law have not yet been sufficiently worked out. He is concerned above all with the way some canonists rely on systematic theology (intellectus fidei - "what the theologians think") in preference to "positive" theology (auditus fidei - the depositum fidei), which has normative value for ecclesial life. A correct methodological approach is the key to avoiding unnecessary danger.

in: CANON LAW ABSTRACTS, (2007/2), N. 98, p. 7-8.